Did You Know 529s Are Powerful Estate Planning Tools?
Most of us associate 529 accounts as college savings vehicles. They’re flexible, allowing you to transfer assets to anyone, including yourself, for the express purpose of furthering the education of your beneficiary. But did you know that a 529 can be a powerful estate planning tool, too?
Review Retirement Plan Contribution Limits for 2021
Consider using tax-advantaged accounts to help lower your tax bill.
Who Should You Choose to Execute Your Estate?
When selecting a personal representative, consider the role's many responsibilities.
Chief Economist Answers Your Inflation Inquiries
Raymond James Chief Economist Scott Brown addresses common questions about shifting price levels.
Quarterly Market Review: January- March 2021
As we closed out 2020, the overwhelming sentiment entering January was that it couldn't get much worse. Unfortunately, January did not start out on a high note.